Have you been referred to a chiropractor in Richmond? We know it's difficult to digest that you have to visit a chiropractor for further treatment, especially if it's your first time. But truly speaking, there is nothing to worry about as the treatment is safe and causes minimal discomfort.
To make your chiropractic journey easy and smooth, you should know what happens before, during, and after chiropractic adjustments. Knowing your treatment will keep you stay calm and get the most out of the treatment.
In this post, we will discuss these details related to chiropractic adjustments.
Before chiropractic adjustments
There is an initial consultation before you undergo your chiropractic session to determine if the treatment fits you. During an initial consultation, the spine chiropractor understands your condition and specific needs. It covers the following three areas:
History and symptoms- Chiropractors share a questionnaire to get details about your condition, like when the pain started, where the pain is, and other information about the pain. They also look after your medical history, including pre-existing conditions and medications.
Chiropractic exam- This area includes assessing the affected area while asking it to move in a specific direction. Sometimes, chiropractors perform posture exercises or test blood pressure and reflexes. They also opt for diagnostic studies, such as X-rays, CT, and MRI scans, for accurate diagnosis and a suitable treatment plan.
During chiropractic adjustments
During adjustments, chiropractors explore a maximum range of motion and stop immediately if it triggers pain or discomfort. They put their hands on the targeted area to adjust, correcting spinal misalignments and restoring nervous system function. You might hear a "popping" sound, which is very normal. Every adjustment is done on a drop or chiropractic table for comfort and convenience.
Many people ask, "How long can chiropractic adjustments last?" The answer is it depends on the severity of your condition or pain. With time, chiropractors spend less time on the patients with fewer adjustments because the body adapts to the changes. Adjustments start taking their actual place and relieving patients in the best way.
On average, patients take around 1 to 4 weeks to see results. Minor physical changes are seen right away.
After chiropractic adjustments
Mild soreness or minor aches are common after a chiropractic adjustment. Sometimes, you might feel weird after the session, but it's common. You shouldn't worry about soreness or aches as they will disappear within 24 hours. Things will be normal if you regularly see a chiropractor.
After the session, it's important to keep yourself hydrated. Hydration ensures that toxins released during adjustments don't settle back and prevents pain from reoccurring. Most importantly, water keeps your spine supple and flexible as it nourishes discs of your body between the vertebrae. Daily, drink water about half of your body weight in ounces.
Gently exercise to strengthen your core muscles and stay balanced after the procedure. It's said that performing light movements expedites your body's healing process. Avoid strenuous activities as they compromise your recovery. Consult your chiropractor and take advice on exercising.
Going for chiropractic in Richmond doesn't give temporary relief; chiropractic care shows long-term effects. It prevents problems from occurring again and gives you a well-balanced life. So, contact Pegasus Integrated Health Inc. and start your chiropractic treatment today.